Career synthesis


Since 2012Associate Professor at the University of Lorraine
2009 – 2012Senior Lecturer à Telecom Nancy (school of computer engineering).
Postdoc at the University of Lorraine, at CRAN laboratory
2006 – 2009Temporary lecturer et Ph.D student at the University of Roma TRE

Academic background

2009PhD at the National Research Centre attached to the University of "Roma Tre"
2006Master's degree in Computer Science Engineering at the University of Roma TRE
2006 – 2009Temporary lecturer et Ph.D student at the University of Roma TRE

Administrative responsibilities

2014 - 2018Head of the Specialisation in Enterprise Information Systems at the TELECOM Nancy School of Computer Engineering
2013 – 2020Professional Licence Manager Industrial Production - Specialization in Development of the approach of Innovation at the IUT Epinal-Hubert Curien. (until 2017)
E-commerce and Digital Marketing at the IUT Epinal-Hubert Curien. (2018-2020)